Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Twelve names of Lord HANUMAN

The twelve names of Hanumān are:   12 Names of Hanuman - YouTube

(1) Hanumān
(2) Añjanāsūnu, the son of Añjanā
(3) Vāyuputra, the son of Vāyu
(4) Mahābala, Whose strength is immense
(5) Rāmesta, Who is dear to Rāma
(6) Phālgunasakha, Who is the companion of Arjuna
(7) Pingāksa, Whose eyes are yellow
(8) Amitavikrama, Whose speed is immeasurable
(9) Udadhikramana, Who crossed the ocean in a step
(10) Sītāśokavināśanah, Who is the destroyer of grief of Sītā
(11) Laksmanaprānadātā, Who is the giver of life to Laksmana
(12) Daśagrīvasya darpahā, Who is the destroyer of pride of ten-necked Rāvana.

Those who study these names, they do not have any fear and they become victorious in battles. They surely do not have fear in king’s court.